![The Real Dirt on Indoor vs Greenhouse Cannabis [Freaux Pt. 1]](https://therealdirt.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Ep.505YTthumb-1080x675.png)
The Real Dirt on Indoor vs Greenhouse Cannabis [Freaux Pt. 1]
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The day indoor cannabis cultivation was invented, it has been said that immediately a man came running over the hill top to argue whether it was better than greenhouse cultivation. Not really.
But it’s a funny way to say that the arguments about indoor vs greenhouse cultivation have been around since indoor cultivation was invented. There will always be the traditional growers who will only grow in outdoor sunlight, and others who have converted to strictly indoor. Then there’s those in the middle who may use a greenhouse, light deprivation or some combination of indoor and outdoor.
Any cultivation method has its pros and cons, so it’s difficult to argue that one method is the best above all others. Most would probably agree that indoor cultivation would be the best if it wasn’t for the price associated with set up and maintenance. Most would also agree that when it comes to cost, growing outdoors will always have the lowest overhead.
Freaux started Jive Cannabis Co in Oklahoma to produce boutique, small batch, selectively bred cannabis strains that are constantly on rotation. Jive has quickly become one of the most sought after flower and extract in the state, and it’s because of Freaux’s extensive indoor cultivation experience.
Chip on the other hand has been a traditional outdoor and greenhouse grower, with plenty of experience in an indoor setting as well. But currently he is growing outdoor, greenhouse and indoor in Oklahoma.
With the two touting their recent harvests from the past season, Freaux and Chip have a lot to compare, contrast and learn about each other’s grow methods, genetic sourcing and more. Which is why this episode is all about just that!
This episode of The Real Dirt with Chip Baker is all about the great indoor vs greenhouse debate. Coming from different cultivation backgrounds Chip and Freaux have plenty of differences in how the cultivate cannabis, indoor and outdoor. Yet both grow some fine cannabis for their respective methods.
It’s not a competition, there is no winner. Just a couple growers sharing some of their secrets for growing some high quality cannabis!
Chip: This is Chip: with The Real Dirt podcast. Welcome to another episode of The Real Dirt. Today, I have one of my favorite guests in Oklahoma. He’s a surprise guest, but he’s been here several times before. You can’t see him through the radio but, but maybe you can hear his voice skip. Mr. Surprise Guest, say a few words to see if our audience can, can pick up on, on who you are.
Freux: Chip:, it’s always a pleasure to come out here.
Chip: It’s Freux, it’s Freux from, its Freux, it’s Freux from Jive. He’s here today. I know everybody guessed that immediately. Good times, good times. Sorry, just sorry to step on you. I was just having a good time with the audience there myself.
Freux: Oh, you’re more than good.
Chip: I’m getting into my podcast character.
Freux: It is a beautiful day out here. Always, always good to come out here. It feels like every time I come out here, there’s just more and more stuff going on, you know?
Chip: I know, man. This place is really great. You know, we’re sitting in our kitchen of our grow farm in Wellston, Oklahoma. Our dining room there’s these two huge windows looking to the north from the south, we get to see all the storms come in one way or the other.
Freux: I mean, it looks beautiful out there. And the lake, everything’s blooming, everything’s green, weather is great, not too hot yet.
Chip: The grass is high. Literally, I need to, I need a zero turn. Do you cut grass?
Freux: Oh, I used to when I was younger. I haven’t lately. I kind hadd to outsource that now. Just not enough time in the day, you know?
Chip: I enjoy the occasional grass cutting. We lost our grass cutter this year though. He literally passed away.
Freux: Oh, I’m sorry.
Chip: No, we’ll make light of it because he was a really light and fun guy. But man, he can cut grass for the shit. Sparkles, if you’re listening from the netherworld…
Freux: That’s terrible, man.
Chip: Oh, I know. We love the man, we love the man. But yeah, he liked to like, leave. We’ve got, we have to cut like, 40 acres of grass out here for the cultivation, because that’s one of the ways we manage the IPM. But Kelly would like leave the same, like, not cut row over and over again. And it was, it was this pattern. It was just so amazing that you – he’s just grown up. He just passed you know, not several months ago. But you know his last cutting has just grown out. But you could see over the whole property these like, rows where he missed a strip of grass, right? For like, succession for year, you know after month, year after year. But you know, it’s always sad when you lose somebody but you know, you get to remember the fun times, you know for as long as we’re around. Yeah, so, enough serious talk here. Hey, man, this is the weed episode, Freux.
Freux: Yeah.
Chip: This is a podcast about cannabis, and about marijuana, and medical marijuana. And we’re gonna look at some, some weed. This is gonna be a verse. This is a verse, right? This is a greenhouse verse indoor. Smoke-off 2021.
Freux: Sounds exciting right there.
Chip: In one corner, we’ve got Jive and Freux weighing in at five nice jars. They’re the good kind too, the wide mouth jars.
Freux: My favorite. When they’re not in stock, it’s never good.
Chip: Yeah. And we’ve got Chip: weighing in the other corner. He’s got several piles of large Mylar bags stuffed full of weed.
Freux: Making my pile look small, right? Taking up whole table right there.
Chip: Right. So how are we going to play this game? You know, I think I should pick one of yours and you should pick one of mine.
Freux: Let’s do that.
Chip: Let’s pick and talk. You –
Freux: You know, you kind of, before we got started you were showing me a couple bags. You know, the one that kind of stuck out and was that uh, that sherbadoe, that dosi, that’s what that was, right?
Chip: Sherbet Dosido, yeah.
Freux: I also liked that uh –
Chip: This is, this is a photo op right here. I’m gonna pass this over. Right? Like this way. There we go. Here we go. Audience, I’m passing the weed over for the photo op. Yeah, there we go. Oh, it’s great. Great photo op. This is Sherbet Dosidoe. This is a Archive strain.
Freux: Very familiar smell, I love the smell.
Chip: Yeah, Fletcher’s a longtime friend of mine. I’m part of his you know, his research and development network. And that basically means he, many of his friends, he gives us seeds or gives us good bulk deals on seeds. We plan out genetics and you know, tell him what we think about it. Fletcher grows in just incredible seed, his quality of seed is incredible. Man all of this stuff, of this past, this is all experimental for him I guess we’ll call it. They’re all Dosidoe crosses they’re kind of just like everything. I don’t think any of this really hit the market, other than the moon bow.
Freux: Yeah.
Chip: The Moonbow did hit the market.
Freux: That’s been huge for the last couple of years.
Chip: It has. But this Sherbet Dosi, Dosidoe. And I really love the name, Sherbet Dosi Dosidoe. Say it five times fast.
Freux: Yeah, it looks great. I mean, anything from Archive is solid. And he’s one of my favorite breeders, I would say. You know at Jive, we run him pretty heavy.
Chip: Oh yeah, we get your Thin Mints. What else do you, do you have Rude Boy?
Freux: I don’t. I have like, Hazmat OG, Sunshine Lime.
Chip: Yeah, Sunshine Lime very popular with the dispensary customers.
Freux: Mhm. We have Dosi, Dosi 22, we ran out some of the Dosi 22 F2s. That’s really good.
Chip: Right, right. Yeah, we just planted some of those as a matter of fact.
Freux: Yeah?
Freux: You’ll like those. I mean, amazing flavor, amazing flavor. Found a lot of good phenos, it’s obviously one of my favorite things smoking right now. The pheno we found not as much bag as feel as some of the weed out there. But as far as flavor and smoke, I mean it’s…
Chip: Yeah.
Chip: It’s good.
Freux: It’s going on awesome.
Chip: Man, you know, Fletcher really hit it with Dosi. He it’s one that became you know, a craze throughout the US. A mad craze with all the youngsters.
Freux: It’s been one of the highest strains the last seven years.
Chip: Yeah, it’s hot. It is, it’s a great strain to grow. It is phenotypically similar, it’s a good stretcher all the crosses that comes with it just become phenomenal.
Freux: Yeah, that male he use, whatever male he breeds with I mean anything that Dosi touches turns to gold.
Chip: Yeah, he does a lot of male work. That’s why his seeds are so good. I mean, this is starting to sound like an info commercial. No, no, he does a really good job. We plant a lots and lots of seeds and the Archive seeds always pop the best, pop the quickest, grow the fastest, are the strongest. And mostly it’s because he really selects that male, right? He’s done tons of work just to select the male alone and most of the other, you know, seed makers out there, they don’t really do that. They just, they get a pop of male, they force a herm, right, of whatever. And then they start their line.
Freux: That seems to become a practice and that’s why a lot of you know, seed packs you get out there are kind of watered down now, you know?
Chip: Oh, man.
Freux: Nobody puts the time and effort into it. There’s very few people out there and you know, most of guys now are dropping, you know, so many different varieties so quick. I mean, they can’t possibly be, you know, R&D and taking where it needs to go, you know?
Chip: Right, unless you’ve been doing it for years and years.
Freux: Or yeah, unlesss –
Chip: But most haven’t.
Freux: Correct.
Chip: Hmm. Alright so, back to our game. So you’re rolling up the Sherbet Dosidoe, and I’m gonna roll one of yours here. What do you, what do you got here?
Freux: So I tried to bring what I had on hand. I got some GMO times Sherb Crasher. I’ve got some brand new Dungeon Vault I’ve got some actually, Dolato from Fletch. It’s a lot of 41 times Moonbow cross. I got one of our classics, Grandpa’s Breath and then I brought you a little bit of a pheno hunt we just went through. Sugar babies, which I’m really excited about. It’s Dungeon Vault Genetics, Sugar Babies is Runts times Sugar Daddy. Sugar Daddy is Wedding Cake and Grandpa’s Breath. And a bunch of interesting phenos has come out of that. But I want to say, other than the, you’ve definitely seen the Hot Rod and the Grandpa’s Breath. This is everything new right here. Got three different phenos of the Sugar Babies and then Brandywine GMO, Sherb Crasher, and then Dolato.
Chip: Man, I think I’m gonna go for that Dolato.
Freux: Go ahead.
Chip: Alright, Dolato. Yeah, we were talking about this earlier. Fletch has an incredible like, naming strategy. I asked him the other day if he had a, if he had a book of names, right? And he’s like, “Nah, man, I just come right up with it.” He didn’t talk like that, but you know.
Freux: Seems like when he names stuff too, you kind of like know what’s in the lineage a little bit you know. He’s kind of able to pair those together where it’s not like you know, what is that? Yeah.
Chip: Wow, man. That’s, oh.
Freux: It’s pretty serious stuff right there.
Chip: Smells like Purple. No, it’s actually it smells like OG, it’s very Purple. This is great weed. I’ve been looking for this weed. Purple OG, right?
Freux: Pretty much.
Chip: It’s got super strong OG smell, right? Not the like, not the, not the classic OG but OG, nonetheless. Heavy OG, right. It’s a bit – because it’s sweeter.
Freux: It is.
Chip: There’s a sweeter part to it, right?
Freux: It’s got that sweet almost like, Z from the Moonbow or whatnot. You can kind of smell that underlying in there.
Chip: Dude, this is great weed, man.
Freux: I appreciate that.
Chip: Oh yeah dude. This is great weed. And your trimmers have gotten much better?
Freux: Oh our trimmers, yeah. They’ve definitely stepped their game up lately.
Chip: Right? You’re smiling over there.
Freux: Not that they don’t do a bad job but I think they’ve been really on par in the last couple months. That’s one thing we’ve been trying to dial into, you know? Can’t have good weed without a good trim, you know?
Chip: I can, I can, I can smell [inaudible 10:34].
Freux: It’s coming out there poppies.
Chip: Coming out, you know. And as I break the bud open, it’s purple on the inside, it’s purple on the outside. It’s got these small green you know, leaves and you know, anytime you get that in cannabis where you’ve got this purple and then light green color like, it really just like, looks phenomenal.
Freux: Yeah, it looks awesome the way it just kind of combines with it.
Chip: Because a lot of times you can get the green, the purple leaf, but you don’t get the purple buds.
Freux: With natural buds that’s really –
Chip: Or like the you know, you cut the purple off all the leaves and the trim and it’s, there’s nothing, nothing purple.
Freux: Yeah. But that bud, everything’s purple in there everything, even in the middle edges.
Chip: Everything’s purple. Have you done, have you washed it?
Freux: I have not. But that is actually one that we are going to, we kind of you know, got on something at the shop where as we pheno hunt and kind of you know, go through strands, we’re trying to wash everything to see what happens with you know, especially with [inaudible 11:32] being so popular now. You know, you want to find something that makes sense where you can you know, dedicate some space to washing, but we’re pretty much gonna run everything. You know, as we run it through the cycle to pick out what we want. We are going to you know, do the for R&D and wash them, see how that goes as well.
Chip: Man, this just smells phenomenal.
Freux: But when it’s lineage I think you know, some strands that probably would wash well.
Chip: Oh, that was, that was me. That was Kevin Colver from Cutting Edge.
Freux: Nice.
Chip: Speak of the devil.
Freux: Speaking of the devil, I’m literally rolling on a Cutting Edge tray as we speak.
Chip: Yeah, right, right.
Freux: Shoutout John, huh?
Chip: Yeah dude. Man, we have used John’s products and do tons of business with John, with Cutting Edge. If any growers out there are interested in you know, really like, stepping up the quality of the inputs that they put into their cannabis, to be enable to like dial in their own recipe like, Cutting Edge is the product to do it. It’s a base product of three parts. So you can like follow his directions, which are incredible. Or you can make your own, right?
Freux: If you follow straight what’s on the on the jar bottle, you’re gonna get a very good end result, you know, even without tweaking it.
Chip: Yeah, absolutely.
Freux: Dialing into what you’re trying to accomplish.
Chip: For the commercial grower, it’s a three part but it really is effective, because you can boost, you buy your three parts, you boost up on your grow and your micro during the vege. And then you know, when it’s just bloom, you don’t use so much of the grow, a little bit in the transitional formula, but then it’s just bloom and micro, right? And it’s like 8 micro 15 bloom, but you know, many people buy bloom enhancers. Well, you just add more bloom with Cutting Edge, right? And so you go 20 mLs to the gallon. And it is just like any other bloom enhancer on the market, but you can control the dose, right? It’s a customized it’s, it’s customized for you to make your own formulas, right? And do you use the supplements as well?
Freux: I do. We use quite a bit of Cutting Edge. I mean, we use you know the Sugary, we use Bulletproof. I’m trying to think of what else we use like that Mag Amp. We use quite a few of his additives as well, especially the Uncle John, Uncle John blend.
Chip: I love the Mag Amp. I love the Uncle John’s blend. Alright, so we’re gonna light these hooters up at the same time. Mmm. Well, hands down, hands down. You got the flavor on this over here for sure.
Freux: It doesn’t really know got the flavor.
Chip: It’s got the flavor, man. That’s one thing I’m really like lacking on our weed here is we haven’t really been able to get the flavor. We get the look in the greenhouse, but not this superior flavor, right? Part of it is you just can’t let it go till it’s actually done, right?You know, just a few greenhouses you can actually do that. And we’re at scale here such a large amount, right? With such a small workpool, it’s also difficult, right? To pick plants on time and right?
Freux: Yeah no I hear you, man. This Sherbert Dosidoe man though, it’s got good flavor, man. I mean, you can definitely taste the Dosi, you can taste the Sherb in there, little bit of creaminess. You could definitely taste the Dosi I feel like, the Dosi is shining through in the taste.
Chip: Yeah.
Freux: Yeah, like the smell, you know, kind of maybe lead a little harder to like the Sherbert side. I kind of knew that creamy, you know, kind of like Sherbert-y, that type of smell but uh, but taste is very Dosi 4 with a little kind of Sherb on the back end or whatnot.
Chip: You know, we planted it out maybe 2000 seeds of these and they all grew Dosi-like, right?
Freux: The last time I was out here that was my, by far my favorite house.
Chip: Oh yeah, yeah, that’s right. That’s right.
Freux: Good color, got a good look, good smell.
Chip: I think I even picked out the buds that you were like, “Oh, I like that plant, that plant. But I think I smoked those.”
Freux: That figures, huh. What do you want to say to this again?
Chip: Man the, yeah this Dolato, yeah, man this is uh, looks a lot better than the taste. It’s really harsh. I can’t smoke anymore of this. You should probably just leave that jar here with me.
Freux: Oh yeah, huh?
Chip: You know I really like tasting coffee – you ain’t got the COVID do you?
Freux: Oh no.
Chip: Are you on the vax, man? You oka, did you check his warrant? I mean not warrant, his passport, passport in here. Oh okay, he came through processing. Now this is, this is really good man. Let me take another hit and shut up. I meaan I really, I really enjoy having a cup of tea.
Freux: That’s why I got one when you offered, clear the palate.
Chip: I’ll get, we’ve got tea service here, I’ll get you one. Hold on. Hold on. It’ll be here in a minute.
Freux: It’s like that, huh?
Chip: It’s totally like that. Oh, it’s the magic of radio. So we were saying?
Freux: No, I was asking you earlier, we’re talking about the you know, the taste or whatnot –
Chip: Flavor.
Freux: Flavor. I was asking you you know, how long are y’all curing that?
Chip: Yeah that you know, the processing part was our problem, and we’re really lacking employees here and infrastructure. We got great people we work with but you know, we’re man, my eyes are bigger than my stomach, so I’m trying to grow more weed than I can actually handle.
Freux: Yeah. I think that’s, I think that’s something a lot of Oklahoma’s out here are doing.
Chip: Oh hell yeah, man. That’s the great part about Oklahoma.
Freux: Go big or go home.
Chip: I don’t think there’s been any other state we’ve been involved in where we’ve actually been able to grow more weed than we could handle.
Freux: It’s a crazy concept.
Chip: Fuck yeah, man.
Freux: You never thought it was possible –
Chip: Yeah, I know, man. You know, it’s so funny when we moved down here. You got it too. People were like, “Oklahoma?!”
Freux: Oklahoma’s badass man. I mean it’s where it’s at right now. It’s where, it’s where everybody involved with cannabis wants to be right now.
Chip: If you’re into ganja and really into the plant, this is one of the few places that you can actually like, do it.
Freux: That was beautiful man.
Chip: Right? Right, man? It might be a difficult market you know, there’s definitely a lot of people here growing weed. There’s a ton of dispensaries here. You’re going to be in competition if you want to do that.
Freux: But 7000 growers, 5000 disposers, something like that?
Chip: Yeah, so many so many, but man, you can plan out however many seeds you want. You can have as many clones and as many plants and scale as fast as you want. You can you know, unlike California, you’re not required to like have certain markups at dispensaries. You can sell however you want. You can be the like, discount cheap person, you can sell it for the most money possible, right? Right, you can have the absolute best or absolute worst weed as your business model.
Freux: Free market capitalism.
Chip: It really is free market here. And if there’s any others, you know, people involved in legislation, involved in policy writing, there’s anybody involved – look, stop trying to regulate the plant so much. Stop trying to regulate the business of the plant so much, right? Just regulate the compliance of it. Just regulate, like, you know, in a simple metric track and trace, right? Just simple stuff. And the industry will grow beyond your belief in your community. But if you’re there over regulating California, it’s over regulated, and I’m starting to sound like a super conservative talk show. But no, it’s true, man, right? Like they’re that, we are a capitalist country. It is a free market society. We shouldn’t be regulated in this industry.
Freux: I agree.
Chip: Yeah, the people it gets sold to like, you know, 21 and up, like health concerns, absolutely. Pesticides concerns, input concerns, absolutely. Zoning, of course.
Freux: Yeah, all that stuff, yeah.
Chip: But man, forcing me to pay 40 cents per plant tag.
Freux: That’s ridiculous.
Chip: That’s, that’s ridiculous, man. There should just be a simple track and trace system, or the state should pay for it.
Freux: That’s a shakedown right there man.
Chip: Right? That’s a total shakedown. And you know, we’re talking about metric that’s one of the things going on here in Oklahoma, right? Oh, man, you should, we should rename this, what is it called? What is this weed called?
Freux: It’s called Dolato but it’s spelled like d-o-l –
Chip: Yeah, I got that dough, I got the do-do-do-dolato. Man. This is like Politico though. As soon as, as soon as I hit it, I started talking shit about the government.
Freux: Straight up, huh?
Chip: It will do that to you though, it really is a, it’s a, I mean, many people believe it to be a conservative or red state, which it may be all of those.
Freux: I think it’s a little bit of Oklahoma’s got a great vibe and we almost kind of get the best of both sides, honestly.
Chip: Man, we’ve had like one or two super, super, super conservative people, like try to preach their super conservative stuff, to us. One or two, that’s it. Right? Everybody else, they don’t care. Politics never comes up, right? Like you know.
Freux: I’ve gotten the same vibe. I mean, everybody I’ve come across out here issuper cool. Oklahomans are really cool people.
Chip: They are. They respect your personal rights and property as a community outlook or as a community policy. There’s no interference in business, right?
Freux: Yeah, I mean, they kind of let, they’re very pro business state and they want everybody to succeed. I mean, they’re setting everybody up to succeed I feel like. I mean, if you’re running a good business model, you got a good product, you got a good you know, good thing going on. They kind of let it, they kind of let it happen, you know?
Chip: Okay, okay. Well if you, if you’ve been listening to the podcast for a while, then you know that I like potting soil, make potting soil – coco potting soil, specifically. And you know, I just wanted to talk to you about how much I love coco fiber and why you should use it, and why your plants should be in coco fiber and they’re gonna love it too. One man, my new product Cocos Growers HP is just an incredibly clean product and made for indoor cultivation. I mean, you can use it anywhere but man it is clean as you can get it. We try extremely hard to avoid all cross contamination, all bugs weeds in seeds, we keep it all inside this manufacturer, all inside. We treat it like a bakery, we start out clean, we end clean, we clean up while we’re going through the day. We really try to take a great effort to put this quality product together. So the number one reason you should use Growers HP is man, it is clean. Number two reason you should use Growers HP is man, this product we have developed it I mean almost specifically because we want to see like, just incredible root development and root growth. And that’s what this product does. You know, I used to be a die hard coco only guy, compost coco, and I just saw the benefits of peat. And we so we started putting small amounts of peat in it. Man, the roots take off. Coco and peat just blend together so well. So there’s the second reason that you should buy Growers HP is man, just an increased root development. Now, the third reason you should buy Coco HP is because man, it’s a really, a light potting soil. And when I mean light, I mean that like you can, most people can pick up four bags at once. Kind of no problem. It’s light like this, because of the way we make it, the way we can control how much water we put in it, we make it a really dry elevation, or really dry high elevation area in Colorado. So it dries out really nicely and when it gets in the bag, man, it’s as light it’s lighter than any potting soil of two cubic foot that you can get. So there’s the third reason man, that it’s a really light product that the moisture is controlled in it specifically. Now, the fourth reason, man, it’s real easy one man. It’s just because your friend, Chip: asked you to go support him, support The Real Dirt and buy some Growers HP. So there you have it, man. Top four reasons why you should use Growers HP in your garden. Hey guys, just quick break to tell you about Cultivate OKC, Cultivate Colorado. You know, I got into the hydroponic supply business from 2009. I had wanted to open up a retail hydroponic store for years and I was already making potting soil at that point, maybe some fertilizers and some other stuff I was into. You know, I hadn’t opened up a retail shop and I got this opportunity to open one up in California. Right as I was fixing to open up down in Riverside, Colorado came along. Ended up being better, bigger opportunity, opened up our Colorado stores. And you know, man, it’s just, we’ve been off to the races ever since. Now we’re in Colorado and in Oklahoma, we ship all over the country and even the world man. It’s amazing the people that call us, contact us that needs, that need some equipment to grow their fine cannabis with. So if you need any help, any equipment, you want to come to a great grow store where people don’t judge you. We’re not clique-oriented, we’re just there to help you grow. Man, come see us at Cultivate. Cultivate Colorado, we’re on Exit 206 after 25. We’re also on the Stapleton Monaco Exit there on I70. And down in Oklahoma City, our newest store and man probably our nicest showroom right now, is we’re right on the corner of 10th in Meridian. So come check us out, 1101 North meridian. Yeah, man. Got any questions about growing no matter if you’re big or small, just come on in. We’ll be glad to chat with you. So, I got carried away and we were talking about processing, which I’ve said over and over again, on The Real Dirt is one of the most important parts of cannabis. People ruin great intentions and great crops and great weed all the time through bad processing. And that’s what I did here too. I’m not saying it’s ruined, right? But I’m not, I’m also, it didn’t reach its full potential. Because of my inabilities to be able to give it that.
Freux: Postharvest is almost as important as you know –
Chip: It’s just as important, it’s just as important.
Freux: I mean you could, you know, for sure.
Chip: You know, the way I would like to do this is big leaf it moderately right before harvest. Two weeks, right? You know, this is outdoor greenhouse, it gets a little leafier than indoors. Hang it and dry it in something like a 70 degree room with, you know, the humidity goes from 90% down to 70, 65% by the time it’s all said and done, right? But it needs that whole swing. I want it to dry in like, 10 days to two weeks. And then I want to take it off the stem branch, the big branches, right? Take it –
Freux: Like buck it down?
Chip: Yeah. But still like leaves stem on it. So it’s just small branches.
Freux: Ah, gotcha, gotcha.
Chip: And put that in a food grade container, right? Because it’s still like slightly moist, then?
Freux: Yeah.
Chip: Right. And and, and let it, and then burn this container and let it dry, right? I leave the stems on it so it doesn’t compact, right? Because if you just cut it all off, the bud could tear. It goes into the bins, then it goes flat. Especially when you have a lot stacked on top. That’s why you can’t really fill them up all the way. And you cross stack the branches and you don’t fill them up all the way. We do like about half to three quarters.
Freux: Yeah.
Chip: Right. And this is like the best, my best case scenario, right? And then that whole process right there and it takes about you know, that also could take a week to 10 days. Meanwhile maintaining the same like, you know 70, 60 tight bob? Right 70%, 60%. From there, we generally take the bucked up weed, either put it in a large like, Turkey bag or a large other, you know, food grade plastic bag of some sort, right? Tie it off, and it’s it’s stored until we can trim it.
Freux: Okay.
Chip: Right. And then, you know, we trimmed to various different ways this year, we called an outside trim service. Did you use those guys?
Freux: No, I talked to them. We talked to them. But um, we’ve had kind of like a, like an in house crew that’s been working with us for a while so we kind of just, you know, kind of handle that in house.
Chip: We were lucky enough to hire some people who came in with some awesome machinery, cleaned everything. We also have like, Green Bros, but there’s only a couple of us here.
Freux: I used to use Green Bros way back in the day.
Chip: Yeah. And we still and we still do use it. But like, yeah you know, technique required. We had those guys just barely clean it. I shouldn’t say barely clean it, mostly clean it. And then we had after that people go by and ham trim it.
Freux: So kind of just like run it through there and get the initial stuff off, and then clean it up.
Chip: Yeah, yeah, totally. Totally. And then –
Freux: Do you feel like that saves time than actually just hand trimming it? Do you feel like that saves time?
Chip: I don’t know about time, but what it does –
Freux: It’s labor.
Chip: It’s labor.
Freux: Yeah.
Chip: It’s significantly less labor costs per pound. If you can do it all at the same time, right? If you can do that, that quick pass with the machine and trim it right then, that’s the fastest absolute way to do it. 100%.
Freux: So basically just cut it –
Chip: The least amount.
Freux: Even the machine one person, it’s in there kind of doing –
Chip: And then like, 4, 5, 6, 20 however many people you need to clean it right then, right? Then you can, you can move and we were doing, you know, 80 pounds a day with the batch one. That’s what it was, batch one trimmer.
Freux: Dang, that’s a lot.
Chip: Yeah, and you can go faster, you can absolutely go faster, right? You could do 300 pounds a day with the right weed? You could do 300 pounds a day, right? If you, if you just wanted to have it machine trimmed you yeah, you could. But, but we just were like running it through it to knock off all, most of the stuff. And then we just bend it up right then and then I had two guys go through it over the course of about a month. All in all, it equaled out like, one of the, one of the most affordable processes and way to do it. But I think we won yes if we have like, I would bet like, six people on the other side of that trimmer, we could trim 80 pounds in a day. Gotta have it bucked, so it takes, it took like four people bucking to do that 80. We could probably had six people buck in, six people trimming, right? And like, literally done 80 pounds in a day with 12 people.
Freux: That’s pretty solid.
Chip: You can see the trim job. I mean, it’s uh, yeah –
Freux: It looks good.
Chip: I mean, there’s there’s a leaf or two, or a stem or two, but like, you know, it doesn’t look round. It’s not beat up, all the buds have a different shape.
Freux: No, it looks good. Looks super solid.
Chip: We excelled at that part of it. But we didn’t excel at how fast we got the plants in the bins. So they got too dry before they went in the bins. They got, they were too wet before they in. We had too much so we couldn’t open and look at everything. right? We didn’t have enough like, trained you know, people to know like the feel and the touch of it all. And you know, it was starting to take hours and hours a day to just go through it and look at it all, right? And so that was really what started to bring the quality down, man. I couldn’t control the temperature either. I had some temperature problems in my dry room.
Freux: Yeah, that yeah.
Chip: That’s when we had that we had that big storm.
Freux: Yeah, I mean, if –
Chip: A big storm, the power went out, it was fucking negative 10 for days on days. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Freux: That’s the thing, I mean, if you can’t control the temperature in the dry and I mean you’re at a you know, definite disadvantage. But you know what you’re saying just a second ago, I mean, no one that perfect, you know?
Chip: Oh, this is really good. I’m not gonna smoke any more of it. I’m gonna try another one. You want to you want to spin again? Let’s spin again?
Freux: Yeah, let’s go ahead.
Chip: Spin again. Let’s see. Here, you pick out one for me. I’m going to pick out one for you. Because, yeah.
Freux: Which one’s that?
Chip: This is also one I’m partial for, is Cookies and Cream.
Freux: Oh, that was the first one you showed me earlier. That’s awesome.
Chip: Look at the bag. I just wanted to hand pick out nuggets that I thought I would want to smoke for you. Okay, and what do we got here?
Freux: Sugar Babies.
Chip: Sugar Babies, uhuh? Aren’t you trying to get sued?
Freux: That’s fine.
Chip: The Skittles controversy, what do you think about that?
Freux: I don’t know, it’s pretty crazy.
Chip: Oh shit. Now damn, Sugar Babies. Here’s the thing, man. This is more like, this have more, has the original OG smell.
Freux: Yeah.
Chip: This right, I mean, oh yeah, this is more of like, like, like the OG.
Freux: Honestly, it’s a truth that Sugar Baby is like my favorite thing smoking right now. It’s seriously just –
Chip: Man, why didn’t you just say this to me first, man?
Freux: Well, you picked earlier, you know?
Chip: You know I like that LA. This is it right here. Man, this is great. Now tell me about this.
Freux: Sugar Babies, it’s Dungeon Vault genetics. We had a pretty nice hunt of that, we probably popped about 80 seeds initially. 80 seeds went into like you know, it’s out to germinate. And then from there, we, I guess 80 or so? 23 to 28 females made it and then you know, that’s actually probably my favorite pheno right now. But the crosses Runts times Sugar Daddy, Sugar Daddy is Wedding Cake and Grandpa’s Breath.
Chip: So Runts.
Freux: Runts.
Chip: Grandpa’s Breath –
Freux: Grandpa’s Breath and Wedding Cake. Pretty nice little tree right there. Interesting combo.
Chip: How did you, how did you sniff out this pheno?
Freux: So to honestly tell you the truth, I’m the type of person when, to me, it had the craziest flavor. I mean, it looked good. I really liked the plant. ,
Chip: Did you notice it growing?
Freux: I did notice it growing. And it was kind of in the back of a room in the corner. And it was one of the last things –
Chip: Shy girl in the corner, worked at the library on the weekend.
Freux: It was, it was back in the corner. And I didn’t notice it right at the end, it was like the last thing kind of when I was you know, going through the room at the end that really caught my attention. But it’s really in the dry room and the taste because you know, you can never really tell on a plant. Sometimes that smell in the plant doesn’t really translate over to either the smell or the flavor. So it was one of the ones when I was smelling it really you know, caught my attention, but it was the flavor. The flavor was absolutely nuts to me. And then I was kind of going back and looking at some pictures I’d taken. And I was like, “Oh another plant, looks really good.” It was kind of chunky. Because there’s so many plants you forget sometimes, you start kind of looking at your your logs or whatnot. But to me smells, smell and taste, that’s that’s what I like to select for.
Chip: And there’s this great, like Granddaddy or Urkle smell.
Freux: Yeah.
Chip: Like it’s like a soft, I call it like, it feels it smells like baby powder feels. Feels soft.
Freux: That’s awesome. Yeah, I mean, it’s got so much you know, Granddaddy Purp in the lineage, you know? Through some of the other you know, parent strains in there. To me it was, it had that like, Skittles Zest Candy but it was also like Cakey. Again, I guess coming from like the Runts.
Chip: I’m just gonna put my shit away, man.
Freux: I don’t know, it really it really caught my attention on the the flavor. I mean, pretty much it’s very, very rare you smoke weed and it gets better throughout the joint. It almost gets more flavorful like, the halfway through it. It comes back there like –
Chip: You’re like ruining the movie for me. Telling me how, the plot. You know, the plot thickens. He speaks and tells me the end. He speaks and be like, “Oh and the road, it’s so good.” And then you’re out for hours. Hey, I just wanted to stop and say I’m having a really good time today on The Real Dirt podcast. And we’re laughing, this is like, our last podcast was like, March of last year right as COVID hit.
Freux: Yeah, you’re right. We tried to do it outside too.
Chip: Right, right, right. And yeah, yeah, that was our last, our last podcast. Right, right? And so it is, it’s a different world now.
Freux: Oh, it is.
Chip: Right? It’s a much lighter mood, there’s laughter in the air.
Freux: Somewhat back to normal now, huh?
Chip: Hahaha. It’s back to normal. I’m just gonna take a puff off this, there’s dry hidden in here. It’s got that, like I said that baby powdered soft feeling.
Freux: Yeah.
Chip: This guy has this other like, cheese.
Freux: Cheese? You get cheese?
Chip: Cheesy like, like, like Brie or cheese rind or something like that.
Freux: There’s something in there –
Chip: On the dry hit, on the dry hit. Almost like mmm, not the blue part of it. But the cheese of like Roquefort.
Freux: That’s right.
Chip: Right. What is this, where’s the Bob Marley lighter? Oh it’s Bob, Bob Marley.
Freux: I don’t know, I’m always big on just like, I mean pretty much flavor to me. Smell and flavor, terps you know? Just interesting unique to me that it has something, there’s something in there that the combination of everything you can kind of like, everything like kind of blends together, and almost make it its own like, flavor. It’s super mouth coating. To me, it has flavor all the way to the puff, that last puff. And I get giggly on it. Like, I like to smoke and wake up smoke a joints to that, have a great day. I get the giggles often the more, I love it, it’s upbringing.
Chip: Goddamn, that’s really good, good, good weed, man.
Freux: I’m glad to hear that. I really appreciate it.
Chip: Yeah, that’s the kind of weed I wanna smoke. Well, I guess the podcast is over now. Right, right, the sound crew is like, maybe I should try it. “Hey, can you pass the tray over, Chip:?” Yeah, they’re so enthusiastic. They’re moving all the old crumbs off the tray so they can get a fresh joint.
Freux: Oh, that’s the way to do it. This was the Cookies and Cream. Definitely got that like, the kind of like, you know, Cookie-esque kinda like you know, sweet but like almost doughy.
Chip: Very Vanilla.
Freux: Yeah, yeah. Exactly.
Chip: You know the ‘Nilla Wafer, you get that one?
Freux: Vanilla Wafer? That’s the name of the strain?
Chip: Yeah.
Freux: I don’t. Is it out there?
Chip: Mhmm.
Freux: People are definitely gonna have to start chasing the day on stuff like that, huh?
Chip: No shit, no shit. I you know, I’m sure there’s a Vanilla Wafer out there. If not, I’m making one right now. The Nilla Wafer, Vanilla Wafer, a collab.
Freux: We’ll do a collab.
Chip: Vanilla Wafer Collab.
Freux: A little breeding project.
Chip: Alright, so what would it be? What would it be?
Freux: Need something you know, kind of you know Cakey Doughy Cook-esque. We can start with that Cookies and Cream, and then maybe add something like, you almost need those, you know those OGs back in the day that were just like, almost like, I don’t even. Something like, it was something like, really gassy sometimes that’ll kind of cut the sweetness almost make it a little like, wafery enough.
Chip: Yeah, totally. We need like, a Triangle.
Freux: Yeah, there you go. A Triangle or a –
Chip: Right. And a –
Freux: Some are super gassy.
Chip: Yes, some are just super gassy or an Alien, right? But it’s something like that, cross with one of the Cakes or the Cookies.
Freux: Yep. It’d have to be a Cake or Cookie, something like that.
Chip: I mean you know, if you’d like if you want a winner, a home winner would be like, like, Wedding Cake crossed with, with what was, what was that again? I got –
Freux: Right there, what you’re smoking?
Chip: What am I smoking again?
Freux: Sugar Babies.
Chip: I just got stoned in my sentence.
Freux: It’ll do that to you, man.
Chip: What are you pointing at me for? What? Oh, yeah, sure, man. Here. Oh yeah, I immediately got stoned, right? I like, hit it and like, like, the wave of stoneness came over me immediately. Like, this would sit down at elephant.
Freux: It’s got some power too, you got to be careful on that.
Chip: Mmm. And flavor, too. it is an old school flavor with that Urkle on it.
Freux: Yeah.
Chip: Right? The Og doesn’t come as much through as much as I wanted to, because it smells so OG, right?
Freux: Yeah. You’re really getting like, kind of like old school like Purple Urkle flavor, that’s kind of what you’re getting out of there.
Chip: There’s definitely like this lavender purple –
Freux: It does, yeah.
Chip: Purple, like but it’s, but it’s not the like, primary taste. It’s back taste. And the front taste is the gassiness, the OG, right? Both of them are real, it’s real soft.
Freux: Yeah, I could, I could see that.
Chip: Mm hmm. You know this weed is for like them hardcore ladies right here.
Freux: Straight up, huh?
Chip: Right? They like, they want to be like, sexy but in the streets, you know?
Freux: Yeah. I got that.
Chip: Whoop ass with tire iron, but wear a dress still.
Freux: Straight up, huh? Yeah, honestly, to tell you the truth. That’s my hands down the favorite pack of seeds I ever rain in the last probably two years. Dungeons Vault man, he killed that, Dungeons Vault Genetics.
Chip: So strong. So good.
Freux: Yeah.
Chip: So we were talking about our collab? And we came, what was said, Wedding Cake and what?
Freux: We had to pick some super –
Chip: Oh, Cookie.
Freux: So many people have bred with the Wedding Cake though. It’s like, what we’d be thinking, it’s probably already been done. We’d have to pick something like, what’s like something, what’s something like, off the beaten path OG that’s like, super gassy. You would know better than me.
Chip: Well, I mean, if we were talking Triangle and Wedding Cake, yes. Somebody’s already done that, sure. Right? It seems like you know we get, we still stick with the OG, the Triangle and we just got to go with the pastry flavor, flavor of flour, butter and eggs, vanilla all rolled up into one.
Freux: If somebody out there has got a vanilla strain, they ought to send it our way, you know? And then we can you know, it’s some sort of vanilla with that, you know?
Chip: Yeah. I really love the GMO. And often I feel I get the – oh look, SMO. Look at that. Awesome the crosses of it have that like cake, or vanilla like taste of it. What is this?
Freux: This GMO and basically Sherb Crasher, but just saying that made me want to get there. When you said GMO, you got to put your nose in there.
Chip: Damn, Sugar Babies. Alright. Oh man, that’s so good. I don’t know if we’re gonna be able to beat that today. Hold on. I’m gonna have to clean my palate.
Freux: That Sugar Baby’s my favorite weed right now.
Chip: What do you think, sound guy?
Travis It’s pretty good.
Chip: Sound guy gives his thumb up
Freux: It’s got a good flame, huh?
Chip: Mhmm. See, this needs the gas.
Freux: Yeah.
Chip: You put the gas on the GMO, who’s doing that?
Freux: The gas GMO?
Chip: Yeah.
Freux: A lot of people are doing that right now.
Chip: How do you make some original shit?
Freux: No, I know. It’s hard these days.
Chip: But you have to have your own original lines.
Freux: You just got to start somewhere and make it yours.
Chip: Right, right? If you’re, if you’re trying to talk about, if you’re talking about starting out seeds, there’s so many people doing it. You have to have original lines.
Freux: It’s gonna take a little while to even get there.
Chip: It’s gonna take a little while to get there. You need to come out of the woodwork. I’ve been doing it for 10 years, and not just want to get into it right away.
Freux: Ten years of prep work, huh?
Chip: Mhm. Sherba – sherba dangle dingle? What was it?
Freux: It doesn’t really have a name. It’s just the cross. The cross is GMO times Sherb Crasher.
Chip: Sherb Crasher.
Freux: But um, when you mentioned GMO, it’s got that like GMO funk but a little sweet there too with the, with the Sherbert or the Sherb Crasher.
Chip: It’s definitely got the GMO on it, man.
Freux: Yeah, so that’s one of your favorite flavor profiles right now, is the GMO?
Chip: I like how, I like when you cross it, it comes out with that cake or that butter type of taste.
Freux: A lot of the GMO crosses you know, we’ve ran them. They’ve all been very GMO dominant. Like, pretty much are like you know, damn near overpowers everything it touches. Talking about washing, that’s a wash right there’s is GMO.
Chip: I bet this goes good outside.
Freux: I bet it does too. Why don’t we find out?
Chip: Let’s do it. Test patch. Yeah, you’re talking about hoophouses earlier today?
Freux: Yeah.
Chip: Yeah, we just we just built a bunch today.
Freux: I’d love to go to see it.
Chip: We’ll walk down there a little later and check out the hoophouses. That’ll be the hoophouse episode. Oh yeah, we’re gonna hang out all day. We’re gonna have like, Episode 47 of Freux, Chip:’s house.
Freux: How many said y’all have corn right now?
Chip: Man, we’ve got eight houses planted with auto flowers.
Freux: Anything you’re excited about?
Chip: Oh yeah, man we got some Cookie Dawg and some Cookie Dog Thin Mint cross autoflowers.
Freux: Nice.
Chip: And we’ve got more 3 Bears which we really love growing, it’s a great extractor and you know, everybody loves the extract on it.
Freux: Everybody did like that one.
Chip: Looking good.
Freux: You let me sample some of that. It had almost like a, like a pair of Starburst flavor to it. It kind of smelled like a, like a candy almost like a Starburst pair if that makes sense.
Chip: Yeah, we dubbed it Papaya Frosting.
Freux: I like that. I can see that, yeah.
Chip: You know, you know dried fruit was –
Freux: It definitely had fruit.
Chip: We all kept saying, “Oh it’s like dried fruit.” I’m allergic to papaya and mango, so I don’t really care for the stuff. Actually I love mangoes, just everytime I eat, it my mouth breaks out.
Freux: Oh, that’s not good.
Chip: It’s uncomfortable.
Freux: Really taste the Cookie on this Cookies and Cream right here.
Chip: Oh dude, this is a smoke out with Freux today. Yeah Freux, so tell me about what’s going on dude. You’re selling your shit all over now, huh? All over Oklahoma.
Freux: Yeah, we’ve been fortunate enough to get out there and hit you know quite a bit of this data. I feel like we’re in you know a lot of good areas. We always like to expand them more.
Chip: I know I should have gotten a zip code restriction dude.
Freux: Straight.
Chip: No, you’re totally expanding. I saw your grow room. The last time I was over there, you were just adding on, it was just starting to come online [inaudible 48:45]. And like, you’re starting to see the product all over Tulsa and OKC now.
Freux: Yeah, Tulsa, OKC.
Chip: You’re getting the outlying areas?
Freux: We actually hit quite a bit of the outlying area. Like we got friends in like, like Sallisaw and trying to think like Roland, and [inaudible 49:09], Sparrow. I’m trying to think what else, can’t even think off the top of my head.
Chip: Oh yeah, GMO.
Freux: You have to come by, the last time you were, we were kind of just getting all that together, getting dialed in, you know?
Chip: You were just transplanted some plants. You were a little behind or something. You were making the first run in one of the rooms and there, people were like, “Oh, I don’t know what we’re doing here.” People rolling joints over in the corner, turning weed in the other room, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah totally. Well, that’s great, dude. How’s the new building?
Freux: The new building’s going good. It’s definitely to help us like, you know, meet the demand. When we first got started, we were you know, kind of limited and I’ve been able to, you know, build out and build more rooms on the last couple years. And yeah, we’ve been thankful for all of our accounts, all our dispo partners, all the patients, you know, we appreciate every one of them. You know, without them we wouldn’t, we wouldn’t be anything.
Chip: And is it, it’s Jive Cannabis?
Freux: Yeah. Jive Cannabis Co. Just Jive, Jive Cannabis Co. Yeah, either or.
Chip: Right.
Freux: Yeah, you know, just kind of trying to dial in, keep our flavors fresh, you know, trying to, you know, stay with the, you know, the genetics. And we’ve always been quality over quantity, just trying to give everybody the experience that we would like, you know. We’re all, like I was saying the last time, we’re all kind of sewers, so we like to give everybody that stuff you know? Not a lot of people are really trying to, people are in it for different reasons, you know? People can be in it for money, you can be in it for this, but I know us personally, we’re just trying to give the best quality product. A lot of people aren’t really thinking about the end user, their patient. You know, a lot of people you know, cut corners when they can, you know? Dial in their plans, we’re all doing different stuff and we’re, you know, taking the time, taking the effort to try to just, you know, pump out the best, absolute best quality we can. And then we’re trying to be, you know, different than everybody else as far as like flavors, you know? You know, through we’ve talked about pheno hunting and like different things, you know? You know, acquisition of different like, you know, genetics or trades or, you know, different stuff like that. You know, we’re working with breeders, collaborating with different breeders, you know, kept collabing you know, just trying to stay ahead of the curve genetic wise. It’s been great you know, it’s been a you know, it’s been a process. A lot of time and effort goes into it but uh, you know, wouldn’t give it for the world. I mean, to be able to get up and do what you love every day is a blessing, you know, so.
Chip: Oh, man, you’re so right. Man, this weed’s great. This is the SMO, and one of the things I got to say about it as I’m sitting here puffing on it here, it just drags so good.
Freux: Yeah. Smokes very well.
Chip: It just smokes very well. It’s like, it’s got, has the authentic GMO flavor, which is like leads to the Kim Dawg, right?
Freux: That musty, stanky –
Chip: Yeah, exactly. It’s a lighter color though than Kim Dawg. But here’s what really thing I’m noticing. So you grow all this weed the same?
Freux: Do I know?
Chip: You grow all this weed the same?
Freux: Yes.
Chip: It’s all in the same room? It was all tried the same?
Freux: Yes.
Chip: Right, right. Man, look at that. Look at that, like white ash.
Freux: Yep.
Chip: Right? One of those other strains didn’t quite have as much white ash, but it still had like, really good flavor.
Freux: Yeah.
Chip: Right? But like, you know, this is the most flavorful one and it also has this like, white column of ash. I mean, it almost looks like a cigarette ash, right? Right? Look at that. And it comes off like a cigarette ash and this is the tastiest one, right? And other stuff tastes good too but, there’s something to that shit, right? I know it’s a huge debate. Oh, white ash doesn’t mean anything, right? But I just randomly noticed it, right?
Freux: Yeah, I mean, I know there’s a, that like you said, a big debate going on whether it means this or it means that. I definitely prefer white ashes. Like you said, something about, seems like the strains and stuff like that, that seemed to smoke the best, always do burn kind of like white ash. Especially too I mean, depending on how you know, I guess obviously you grow it or take care of it too. But uh, I think a lot of it does just have to do with you know, proper care and you know, the way you take care of it. I mean sure, genetics probably does have something to play into it.
Chip: You grew and dried all this weed about the same and I know individually it’s different, right? They all have different water requirements. They all take up nutrients differently, right? This is in the same room, and the ash looks different.
Freux: Yeah.
Chip: Right? That’s the amazing part to me. That shows like, what’s really going on with the plant.
Freux: Yeah.
Chip: Right? And how like I’m continuing to learn about you know, cannabis and how it’s processed and grown, and more and more, it’s not just one way, that’s what I see.
Freux: Oh, I got you.
Chip: Right?
Freux: There’s 1000 different ways to skin a cat, there’s no right or wrong way when it comes to cannabis, you know? Let’s do honey.
Chip: That’s right. 12 minutes ago, we ordered tea from this shabby little restaurant off the North Canadian River. Wellston Oklahoma, Freux’s on the way, Freux’s on the way with another j and it’s okay. And it’s okay. Freux’s on the way, Freux’s on the way, Freux’s on the way with another j and it’s okay.
Freux: All you need was your guitar for that one, huh?
Chip: I can’t sing and play at the same time. I’ve been off the guitar, man, I really, you know, and I need to get back on it. That’s for sure. I need to get back on it. It’s so good for my brain. You know, even if I’m bad at it, right?
Freux: You get lost in the music, you know? It’s kind of a –
Chip: Strum, strum, strumy-dee, strum, strummy, strum. Oh, excellent. Well, hey, man. I’m glad you got your tea here. Yeah.
Freux: Really good. I didn’t really expect it.
Chip: You’re able to cleanse your palate?
Freux: Feels good now.
Chip: Right. Wait, what are you puffing on over there? That looks like a giant goddamn bambam stick over there. It’s like Fred Flintstone rolled up a huge hooter out of a pterodactyl egg.
Freux: That was those uh, those handpicked nuggs that you gave me for the Cookies and Cream, yeah. The ones you said that you would want to smoke.
Chip: I would want to smoke, right.
Freux: Good choice on it.
Chip: Right. You know my first weed dealer turned me on to this, right? It’s like oh, when your friends come over, you give them the best nuggs out of the sack. And then you sell like normal people sack.
Freux: Yeah. Straight up, huh?
Chip: Yes. Yeah, here’s to you, Ed. Thanks, bro. Gave me some great skills. I rolled in one day and he did all his business in the bathroom, right? And so you know if the cops came, you can wash it all down, right? Clean it all up so weed’s everywhere. We’re like doing the deal and I pull out like you know some weed to smoke and he goes, “Whoa, whoa, whoa, what’s going on man?” “I was just gonna roll up a joint.” And he’s like, “No, man. You just kept all those buds? You should smoke that, and put that trim back into the sack.”
Freux: Taught you some valuable life lessons later in life, huh?
Chip: Right then, he was like, we smok the best buds, right? Oh that’s right, that’s why we’re doing this. We want to smoke the best bud.
Freux: Exactly. I’m totally guilty of it.
Chip: Oh yeah. I see your personal sacks over here.
Freux: Yeah, totally guilty.
Chip: I know those don’t look like that. Just kidding, just kidding. I know they do, I know they do, I know they do. All in jest, all in jest. No man, it’s hard to get good quality pounds with the consistent nuggets. You know, my wife wants a dispensary in Dipcon Nursery in dispensary in Oklahoma City. And it’s hard to find growers that have like, consistent looking cannabis that know how to trim it, you know? And know how, what’s nuggets to put in the sack for sale, which one to put in the leaf bag and, you know, know how to dry and trim it like, that does not come across her desk much.
Freux: And that’s that like postharvest care we were talking about earlier. And I know with us, we tried to um, you know, when we’re, you know, have like, you know, raw weight sitting there ready to be made into a pound, we try to take the best nugs off top. And, you know, those are the pounds going out. And then like the smalls or the you know, we’ll throw out like anything that might you know, stem or like break off. But then that little small nuggets is what we’re using for our pre-rolls. We kind of started a pre-roll line a couple months ago and it’s all nug pre-rolls. And that’s kind of where those little nuggets that you know people are trying to sell to like the stores in the shelf, other companies or whatnot, that’s what’s going into our pre-rolls instead of like, you know, shake or anything like that. So as I work on you know, doing that, we want to make sure all the accounts and you know, dispose get the the top quality nuggs that we would want to smoke and then you know, anything that kind of falls on the bottom, you know, goes to pre-rolls or whatnot.
Chip: It’s all about the quality control. It’s about the curation of the sack, right? You know, that’s has as much to do with the end user presentation –
Freux: Presentation’s everything, you know? To start off with.
Chip: Right, right. And you know, I mean, you know, this is a perfect example of a boutique that sells, your weed sells it highest of the market, right? And then my greenhouse over here is like really good weed but you know, it’s just like, you know, Heineken or Import. It’s not like Budweiser, right?
Freux: That was a good one.
Chip: Like Guinness. Like Guinness. No, but it’s a , it’s a, it’s a totally different thing, right? Like, you know, this is at scale, there’s, it’s, we cover a bunch of square feet for sure there’s only a handful of people that do it all. It’s part of this whole mad scientist project I have, right? Totally different business plan, then what you have, right, which is like high in boutique, right? Strain select, branded product. And that’s what I really love about Oklahoma, right? It’s like, I can like plant thousands and thousands of seeds, because I’m, you know, searching for something or want to see how it grows. Or I’m trying to develop technology or a potting soil technique or a planting seed technique, or whatever it is, right? And I can do that here, right?
Freux: Every time I talk to you, you’re planting seeds. Seriously every time we’re like, “Dang, it’s a little bigger this time. A little bigger and bigger, huh?
Chip: Oh, man. I love it, dude. I love it man. You can do the branded you know, model, right? Because we just sell our cannabis mostly wholesale. It’s not what branded, we sell it all by the pound, right? I see yours in the shops, in jars with cool little labels and you know, it’s different. It’s a totally different like, way to enter the market. We’re not forced to do any way.
Freux: Oh, not forced at all.
Chip: Like in other states, you’re like, the growers have to package it all. It all has to show up branded and packaged in the marketplace. Right now, Oklahomans might demand that in the future, but like, that’s market-driven and we’re not made to do it.
Freux: Yeah, most people just do in deli style shop, put a you know big old turkey bag and kind of go from there you know?
Chip: Oh man. There should, somebody, so if there’s a shop out there – I’m sure it is – it needs to be called Old School.
Freux: Yeah.
Chip: And you come in and you sit down on the couch, right?
Freux: Little coffee table.
Chip: Little coffee table in front of you.
Freux: You got a duffel bag.
Chip: Pitbull running around. Cool now. And you know, some turkey bags right rolled neatly out on the coffee table.
Freux: Tie that little knot on the top so they’re easy to open and close, huh?
Chip: You mean the little plastic thing that it comes with? No, I don’t like, I got I got my twist technique down.
Freux: There’s an art form to that.
Chip: Mhm, there is. You gotta like, you really have to feel the weight and balance of the football. Yeah, man. It’s been a great day dude. I think, I think you got me stoned, man. We have any like like, you know, like idea of what happened today? We started with so much good intentions.
Freux: Just kind of rolled with it, you know? Literally.
Chip: Well, let’s recap the cannabis that we reviewed today. Today, we reviewed the –
Freux: Dolato?
Chip: Dolato right?
Freux: Sugar Babies.
Chip: Yeah, the Sugar Babies, mmm. The SMO.
Freux: Yeah, the GMO Sherb Crasher.
Chip: Which is the GMO Sherb Crasher.
Freux: Looked at your Sherbert Dosidoe.
Chip: The Sherbert Dosi Dosidoe, right.
Freux: And the Cookies and Cream.
Chip: And Cookies and Cream? Yeah, wow.
Freux: It was a nice little lineup right there.
Chip: We did see a lineup today, man. Wow, like, I haven’t had one of these in a while. Yeah, thanks. Thanks, man. We need to do this more often. You know what we need, you know what we need to do? Oh shit. Alright, I got it. We’re gonna start bringing in guest weed people to bring in, we to smoke us all out on.
Freux: I would love to do. A little kind of honest review type deal. Just kinda, you know.
Chip: Yeah, yeah, absolutely. You know get their story. Let’s see what’s going on. Like, you know, and like, and we get to smoke out. Alright, here it is. We’re looking for the top cannabis producers, growers, growers, the top don’t, I mean, you know, if you think you’re the best, you have to know you’re the best. We want the best. Only the best quality. We can show up here, right?
Freux: Full flavor.
Chip: Full flavor, right? And, you know, we would never be rude or mean or bash everybody, right? But you know, a completely honest and open smoke out and storytelling time of the strains, right? We can like, find out about the genetics and where they came from, and how the plants grow. And it’ll be like, if Mr. Rogers meets good old house.
Freux: I like that. That was clever right there.
Chip: No, seriously –
Freux: No, I would love –
Chip: I told you, yeah. We should have, we should have okay smoke out. Okay smoke out, right? We’ll get some, we’ll line a couple people up, 4.2 people up in over the course a year. This way, I can formally keep up with you and everything’s going on, you can bring more Sugar Babies back over, right? I can tell you about like all the seeds I killed, or the genetics that didn’t work out ,or the stuff I didn’t, I’m like “No, no.” Oh and uh, and Travis over here, he can just continue like, you know, smoking joints and twisting the knobs to make it happen.
Freux: You need that.
Chip: Have you been doing any special effects on our voices today?
Travis You’ll find out.
Freux: Anytime we get good people, good company, good weed around, there’s bound to have good conversations, whether it’s cannabis related or not, you know?
Chip: Oh, good times. Good times, and we’re gonna call it there on this episode of The Real Dirt. Thanks for joining. Please check out other episodes on YouTube. That is The Real Dirt on YouTube. We have many of the episodes on there. This episode will be on there. Some are video, lots of audio. You can also download any episode on iTunes, subscribe. You can get it on Spotify and all the major suppliers of your favorite podcast and hey, if you just want to check us out, come to therealdirt.com. This has been The Real Dirt, thanks again.