The newly merged California Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) on Wednesday released a 197-page draft of cannabis industry regulations, including allowing broader sales of branded merchandise and sharing product samples among those in the supply chain.
The release of the new draft regulations kicks off a new public comment period before the rules are expected to be formally adopted around the end of September.
The DCC is a brand-new state agency in California, created in July from the original framework of three separate bureaucracies that oversaw legal marijuana businesses in the state. Combining the regulations from the three former regulators was one of the new agency’s first tasks.
The new rules are expected to be finalized and adopted around the end of the month.
Among the highlights in the changing rules:
New parameters for how industry trade-sample sharing can work, allowing manufacturers, growers and distributors to share product samples free of charge with others in the legal supply chain.
New and more narrowly tailored definitions for marijuana company owners and those who own a financial stake in a business.
Allowances for non-vertically integrated cannabis companies to sell branded merchandise from other licensed businesses.
Contact Greener Consulting Group for assistance with adjusting to the new agency and regulatory changes.